The Vegan Lifestyle and Veganism Explained
In order to get a better idea of the lifestyle you need to understand the different types of beliefs:
- Vegans do not use or eat animal products or products tested on animals.. They refrain from cheese, honey, leather, silk, wool, animal tested cosmetics, soaps, etc.
- Pescatarians do not any animal flesh except for fish. They are essentially a vegetarian who still allows themselves to eat fish.
- Vegetarians do not eat animal flesh but will still consume diary. They may still eat eggs, honey, and cheese among other products that do not require the death of an animal.
There are some basic questions that people ask about being vegan:
Is it expensive to be a vegan
What does it mean to be a vegan
What can you eat as a vegan
What is to be vegan
When did the vegan diet start